Country-specific requirements – I
Countries starting with I
ICELAND (Republic of)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Registration. (3) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Goods with no commercial value - CN 22; Goods with commercial value - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. |
Prohibitions1 | See under PARCEL POST. |
Import Licences | A licence to be obtained by the addressee in advance, is required for the importation of certain goods other than samples. |
Invoices | All goods imported by post must be accompanied by a commercial invoice with an exact indication of the contents of the item and stating the actual retail price. |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations | Goods with no commercial value - Parcel Despatch Note. Goods with commercial value - Parcel Despatch Note and certificate of origin. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters, except those exchanged between the sender and the addressee; raw or lightly salted parts of domestic animals of all kinds; hay, grass and straw (including all kinds of straw used for packaging); fertilizers from domestic animals; untanned hides and leathers, unless they are salted; used bags; rags; lead toys. |
Restrictions1 | Alcoholic liquors; dried or preserved milk; narcotics; proprietary medicines; tobacco; used clothing; wool. |
Import Licences And Invoices | See under LETTER POST. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Insured packages, air only, limit $2,550. (3) Printed papers. (4) Small packet (exceeding 500g subject to a delivery fee payable by the addressee). (5) Registration. (6) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. |
Prohibitions1 | Charged butane gas lighters and refills; cut-flowers; bulbs, plants and parts of
plants; football pool coupons and literature relating thereto; pearl necklaces, silk and artistic
articles in silk; nylon, terylene, rayon and dacron inclusive of sarees made from these materials;
cotton and woollen piece goods (not made-up into garments) manufactured outside India (except
addressed to Diplomatic Mission in India), if these goods do not bear conspicuously stamped the name
of their manufacturer, of the exporter or wholesaler in India and their real length in standard
yards or standard metres; celluloid and articles wholly or partly made of celluloid, such as
photograph films. Non-inflammable cinematograph films are, however, admitted by letter post provided
that the packet bear a label clearly marked in red character "This contains Non-inflammable Films
Only". Perishable articles or edible substances unless sent by airmail post. Coin, bank-notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers' cheques, platinum, gold or silver, manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels and other valuable articles are prohibited in the ordinary or registered letter post but are admitted in insured letters. Packets of picture postcards are prohibited from importation by printed papers post. Consumer electronic items (except hearing aids and life-saving equipment, apparatus and appliances and parts thereof). Account and manuscript books, advertising matter (with the exception of trade catalogues and circulars), almanacs, cards in general, labels, photographs, picture books, printed forms and works of art are prohibited from importation by printed papers post when sent as merchandise. All goods of South African origin. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of Bank of England notes; cigars, cigarettes; confectionery; diamonds (including industrial diamonds) and other precious stones, fountain pens (with or without gold nibs and caps), and parts thereof; lead and propelling pencils; lighters; perfumes; playing cards; saccharin; spectacles and sunglasses; spirits; synthetic gems; watches and parts thereof. |
Import Licences | See under PARCEL POST. |
Address | Registered and insured articles bearing a post box address must in addition bear the
actual address of the addressee. If the PIN code is known, it should appear in the address of all postal packets after the word INDIA, for example, CALCUTTA, INDIA 700 001. This should help to ensure quicker delivery in India. Where available, the addressee's contact details (landline/mobile number and e-mail address) are to be indicated on the postal items to facilitate delivery. |
Customs Duty | When the total customs duty payable on a letter or other packet does not exceed 3 rupees, the whole of the duty is waived. |
Supplementary Services Available | Insurance, air and surface limit $2,550. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. Customs declarations should show clearly the material of which goods are made, for example, silk stockings, cotton material, and silver-plated cutlery. If books and photographs are enclosed in a parcel with other articles their value should be shown separately. The net weight of the contents of parcels of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, and in the case of cigars and cigarettes, particulars of the brands and the number and net weight of the cigars and cigarettes of each brand should be clearly stated. To avoid delay in clearance, weights and measures should be shown in metric system. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters, except those exchanged between the sender and the addressee of the parcel or persons residing with them; currency notes including Indian currency notes; gold, silver or articles made of gold or silver; bronze or copper coins not of the Royal Mint or of an Indian State (except Baroda); labels or woven goods bearing designs in imitation of paper money; jewellery; pearl necklaces; charged butane gas lighters and refills; toy, dummy or imitation revolvers or pistols, and clasp knives of which the blades are more than 7 cm long and appliances for discharging gas, unless imported by or on behalf of the Government of India; football pool coupons and literature relating thereto; cotton and woollen piece goods (not made up into garments) manufactured outside India (except addressed to Diplomatic Mission in India) if these goods do not bear conspicuously stamped the name of their manufacturer or the exporter, or the wholesaler in India and their real length in standard yards or standard metres; silk and artistic articles in silk; nylon, terylene, rayon and dacron inclusive of sarees made from these materials; sulphur; quinine coloured pink. Perishable articles or edible substances unless sent by airmail post. Consumer electronic items (except hearing aids and life-saving equipment, apparatus and appliances and parts thereof. All goods of South African origin. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of bulbs and plants; cigars; cigarettes and tobacco; confectionery; diamonds (including industrial diamonds) and other precious stones; fountain pens (with or without gold nibs and caps) and parts thereof; lead and propelling pencils; lighters; perfumes; playing cards; potatoes and certain seeds; saccharin; spectacles and sunglasses; spirits; synthetic gems; watches and parts thereof; wireless transmitting apparatus, consumer electronic items (except hearing aids and life-saving equipment, apparatus and appliances and part thereof). However, a gift parcel containing these goods may be accepted if it does not exceed 200 rupees. |
Maximum Weight | Parcels for delivery at the post office of Anini, Tuting and Vijayanagar in the North East Frontier Agency (Assam Circle) should not exceed 2 kg in weight. |
Import Licences | An Import Licence issued by the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, New Delhi or by an authorised officer to be obtained by the addressee in advance is required for the importation into India of all kinds of goods. This restriction does not apply to importation of goods for private and personal use of the addressee residing in India and which should not exceed 10 rupees in value. Weights and measures on any import documents should be shown in the metric system. Senders are advised to confirm before posting a parcel that a licence, when it is necessary, has been obtained by the addressee. |
Address | The name of the province in which the place of address is situated should as far as
possible, be included in the address. Parcels addressed to post box numbers only, that is, without
the actual address of the addressee, are inadmissible. (See also under LETTER POST). Where available, the addressee's contact details (landline/mobile number and e-mail address) are to be indicated on the postal items to facilitate delivery. |
Customs Duty | Customs duty is levied in India on the full value of the articles sent, including postage, insurance, commission, and so on. An addition of 4 percent to the declared value is made by the Indian Customs authorities in assessing the duty unless such extra charges are shown in detail on the customs declarations, or unless it is made clear in the declarations that the charges have been included in the declared value. When the total duty on a parcel does not exceed 3 rupees, the whole of the duty is waived. |
Repacking Charges | A re-packing charge will be levied on each parcel received in a damaged condition and which has to be repacked in order to protect its contents. |
Duplicate Documents | Senders of commercial parcels should, in their own interests, forward by air mail, directly to the addressees in India, duplicates of all necessary documents, for example, (a) clear customs declarations, (b) certificate of origin and (c) invoice showing, separately, the value of each item enclosed in the parcel. The receipt of these duplicate documents in India prior to the arrival of the parcels will enable the addressees to facilitate Customs clearance. Copies of (b) and (c) should be enclosed in each parcel and the customs declarations should indicate that an invoice has been enclosed. |
Packing and Marking | Parcels containing cinematograph or photographic films or articles made wholly or partly of celluloid must be labelled in large letter "CELLULOID". |
Delivery | Parcels with an insured value of more than 250 rupees or liable to customs duty of more than 50 rupees are not delivered but must be collected from the post office. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
INDONESIA (Republic of)
(Islands of Bali, Banka, Belitung, Java, Madura, Maluku, Riau, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Timor, Irian Jaya and Indonesian
portions of Kalimantan)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Printed papers. (3) Small packet. (4) Registration. (5) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. All inbound postal items containing goods will now be submitted to Customs. It is also required that the tax identification number (also known as the NPWP or Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) of the Indonesian resident is included on all inbound and outbound international mail items. This information is to be provided in the “Receiver VAT/GST Number” field in the ezy2ship system, For corporate addressees, Customs require the tax ID number in every case. For personal addressees, there are several alternatives that may be submitted in cases where a tax ID number is not available, namely:
Value-added tax (VAT) and customs duty | See under PARCEL POST. |
Prohibitions1 | Charged butane gas lighters and refills; inflammable films, non-manufactured celluloid
or articles made of celluloid. Books and periodicals in the Indonesian language (national or
regional) printed and edited outside the country. Indonesian currency. All articles bearing batik
motif. Acoustic appliances with the exception of radios, alcoholic beverages, artificial flowers, chocolate, used goods, used clothes, fabrics costing more than 8 gold francs (approx. $7) per square metre, fresh or frozen meat, games hat, household articles, luxury articles, milk products, musical instruments, perfumes, precious metals, precious ornaments, shampoos, shoes, statues, sweets, toilet articles, watches costing more than 120 gold francs (approx. $100) and wooden artefacts. Coins, banknotes, money, lottery tickets, bonds, vouchers, cheques or foreign currency, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, traveller’s cheques, platinum, gold, silver, whether manufactured or not, diamonds, precious stones or other valuable articles. Video cassette recording is also not permitted to be sent through ordinary letters. Animals, counterfeited/ faked goods, cash & cheque, dangerous goods e.g. chemical liquids, coal and chemical substances, drug/ narcotics (illegal), dead body, including the cremated one, negotiable goods/ instruments, pornographic materials, jewellery, diamond, and other precious stones, bubble gum, fireworks, plantation/ dangerous animals, tobacco, antiques, feather, ivory, precious metal/ stone. |
Restrictions1 | Printed matter of any kind in Chinese characters or language is admissible if a special licence has been obtained from the Attorney-General of Indonesia. |
Packing and Marking | Packets containing non-flammable films must be clearly marked "Films - non-inflammable" or "Safety Films" on the Green Label and on the white label used for affixing to the packets. |
Address | See under PARCEL POST. |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. All inbound postal items containing goods will now be submitted to Customs. It is also required that the tax identification number (also known as the NPWP or Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) of the Indonesian resident is included on all inbound and outbound international mail items. This information is to be provided in the “Receiver VAT/GST Number” field in the ezy2ship system, For corporate addressees, Customs require the tax ID number in every case. For personal addressees, there are several alternatives that may be submitted in cases where a tax ID number is not available, namely:
Value-added tax (VAT) and customs duty |
Prohibitions1 | Letters; charged butane gas lighters and refills; inflammable films, non-manufactured celluloid or articles made of celluloid; gold and silver ware; fountain pens and pencil holders ornamented with precious metals; leather goods; coffee essences and coffee substitutes. Books and periodicals in the Indonesian language (national or regional) printed and edited outside the country. Indonesian currency. All articles bearing batik motif. Acoustic appliances with the exception of radios, alcoholic beverages, artificial flowers, chocolate, used goods, used clothes, fabrics costing more than 8 gold francs (approx. $7) per square metre, fresh or frozen meat, games hat, household articles, luxury articles, milk products, musical instruments, perfumes, precious metals, precious ornaments, shampoos, shoes, soaps, statues, sweets, toilet articles, watches costing more than 120 gold francs (approx. $100) and wooden artefacts and video cassette recording. Coins, banknotes, cheques or foreign currency, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques, platinum, gold, silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones or other valuable articles. Animals, counterfeited/ faked goods, cash & cheque, dangerous goods e.g. chemical liquids, coal and chemical substances, drug/ narcotics (illegal), dead body, including the cremated one, negotiable goods/ instruments, pornographic materials, jewellery, diamond, and other precious stones, bubble gum, fireworks, plantation/ dangerous animals, tobacco, antiques, feather, ivory, precious metal/ stone. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of cinematography films; plants and parts of plants (including fruit, seeds and potatoes); printed matter of any kind in Chinese characters or language provided a special licence is obtained from the Attorney-General of Indonesia. |
Air Parcel Size Limits | Length should not exceed 700 mm, subject to a maximum of 2 m for the length and girth combined. |
Packing and Marking | Parcels containing non-flammable films must be clearly marked "Films - non-inflammable" or "Safety Films" on the Customs declarations and on the white label used for affixing to the parcels. |
Import Licences | An import licence to be obtained by the addressee in advance is required for the importation into Indonesia by post of all commercial goods. The number and date of the licence must be shown on the copy of the invoice which should be enclosed in each commercial parcel as well as on the relative Customs declaration. |
Address | All postal items must bear addressee's full name and complete address, including postcode, as well as sender's full name and address. To facilitate delivery, it is also desirable to include the addressee's fixed and mobile telephone number and e-mail address, if available, on the postal items. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
IRAN (Islamic Republic of)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post (they should preferably be registered, and are subject to additional charges in Iran). (2) Printed papers. (3) Small packet. (4) Registration. (5) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations and Languages | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. French as well as English. The whole of the declaration form should be completed in BLOCK capital letters or typescript. To facilitate customs clearance, senders are asked to indicate the national identity number of the recipient on all packages sent to Iran. Postal items containing mobile phones must indicate addressee’s full name (first and last name) and national identity number. Whenever possible, sender should include information on the national identity number in the “Sender’s reference”, "Importer's reference" or "Comments" field of the consignment note/customs declaration form. |
Prohibitions1 | In addition to items considered non-mailable matter (refer to SingPost’s Postal
Services Guide under “PROHIBITIONS”, Iran (Islamic Rep.) prohibits:
The importation of a wide range of general merchandise is prohibited. All merchandise not prohibited is subject to a quota system. Senders should ascertain before posting whether the contents are admissible. |
Restrictions1 |
Import of Goods and Gifts | Customs duties will not be levied for the clearance of postal items of a non-commercial
nature with a maximum value of USD 50. There are exceptions for those goods, which are prohibited by
law. Notes: 1. Clearance of certain telecommunication products (wireless phones, transmitting and receiving sets, etc.) is subject to permission from the Ministry of Information and Communications. 2. Clearance of drugs, foods, cosmetics, hygiene products and beverages is subject to permission from the Ministry of Health. 3. Clearance of books, publications, films, tapes and CDs containing cultural information is subject to permission from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Clearance of books, publications, films, tapes and CDs containing scientific information is subject to permission from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology or the Ministry of Health. 4. Clearance of seeds, insecticides, etc. is subject to permission from the Ministry responsible for agriculture. 5. Clearance of animal foods is subject to permission from the Veterinary Organization. |
Import of Goods without Currency Transfer | The following goods must be released by the appropriate manufacturing, research,
training or medical institute:
The following may be released without payment:
The temporary import or final release of the following is subject to authorization from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education or the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, as appropriate:
Address | BLOCK capital letters or typescript should be used. |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations and Languages | Parcel Despatch Note. French as well as English. The whole of the declaration form should be completed in BLOCK capital letters or typescript. To facilitate customs clearance, senders are asked to indicate the national identity number of the recipient on all packages sent to Iran. Postal items containing mobile phones must indicate addressee’s full name (first and last name) and national identity number. Whenever possible, sender should include information on the national identity number in the “Sender’s reference”, "Importer's reference" or "Comments" field of the consignment note/customs declaration form. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters, except those exchanged between the sender and the addressee of the parcel or
persons residing with them; See list under Letter Post. |
Restrictions1 | See list under Letter Post. |
Delivery Charges | Additional charges including the return charges are collected from addressee. |
Address | BLOCK capital letters or typescript should be used. Addressee’s mobile or fixed telephone number is to be provided, wherever possible. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
IRAQ (Republic of)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Printed papers. (3) Small Packet. (4) Registration. (5) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. |
Prohibitions1 | Packets of coloured pictorial postcards by printed papers post; non-preserved meat and soft fruits; hair dye containing diamine; rubber balloons; binoculars; charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted); films of any kind, whether or not they have been exposed or developed; items containing recording tapes on cassettes. Coins, bank-notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers' cheques; platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not; precious stones, jewels or other valuable articles. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of plants and gold coins, and all foreign
currency may only be imported under permit from Foreign Exchange Control Committee, Baghdad. Diamonds may only be imported on production of an import permit, a certificate of origin and a manufacturer's declaration approved by the official authorities of the country of origin. |
Address | All postal items must bear complete addresses and correct postcodes to facilitate
delivery. The address format is as shown in the example below: Mr.Anmed Tarek 10 Qahwa Share’a AL ASMAEE AL BASRAH 61002 IRAQ |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters, woven goods bearing designs in imitation of paper money, and so on; unmanufactured tobacco; non-preserved meat and soft fruits; hair dye containing diamine; rubber balloons; binoculars; charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted); films of any kind, whether or not they have been exposed or developed; items containing recording tapes on cassettes. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of cotton and cotton seeds; chemical supplies; liqueurs, wines and spirits; plants or parts of plants and bulbs; serums; wireless apparatus. Gold, gold coins and all foreign currency may only be imported under permit from Foreign Exchange Control Committee, Baghdad. Diamonds may only be imported on production of an import permit, a certificate of origin and a manufacturer's declaration approved by the official authorities in Iraq. |
Import Licences | Import licences are required for many types of goods. |
Address | See under LETTER POST. To facilitate clearance, it is desirable to include the addressee's telephone number on parcels. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Insured packages, air only, limit $2,000. (3) Printed papers. (4) Small packets (5) Registration. (6) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. |
Prohibitions1 | Same as Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The transmission into and within Ireland of birth control literature and contraceptives is prohibited. |
Address | See under PARCEL POST. |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. |
Prohibitions1 | Same as Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The transmission into and within Ireland of birth control literature and contraceptives is prohibited. |
Import Licence | The importation of certain categories of goods (particularly plants and food products)
may be prohibited or permitted only if accompanied by an importation licence. If in doubt it is
advisable to consult the following prior to posting to Ireland: Customs Information Office Revenue Commissioners Customs House Dublin 1 Ireland Telephone (353 1) 873 4555 Fax (353 1) 661 6263 Or Department of Agriculture Kildare Street Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone (353 1) 678 9011 |
Address | All mail for Ireland should be addressed as illustrated below:
Eason 80 Abbey Street Middle DUBLIN 1 DO1 P8N3 IRELAND
Postcodes should be used in all addresses, except those for delivery points identified by post office box numbers. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Dutiable goods admitted in the letter post. (2) Printed papers. (3) Small Packet. (4) Registration. (5) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations | Value up to $700 - CN 22; Value over $700 - Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. |
Prohibitions1 | Meat, fish and seafood products; fruits and vegetables exuding a foul odour or
decomposing easily; Dairy products other than canned milk powder; Tropical or subtropical plants,
trees, fresh vegetables, onion, garlic, fresh fruits, excluding dried fruits; Cotton plants,
excluding industrial seeds; Margarine and fats containing more than 10% butter fat; Food products
containing cyclamate; Wine, wine products and grape juice bearing a geographical name different from
the actual area of origin; Earth, sand, organic fertilisers and compost; Matches made of white or
yellow phosphor; Insecticides which leave an active layer on the surface treated; Used beehives and
material for breeding bees; Indecent films, publications, paintings, etc.; Blank forms which can be
used as invoices; Counterfeit or imitation bank notes, coins and postage stamps; Lottery tickets and
documents advertising lotteries; Used sacks for packing plant products. Sharp knives with a blade exceeding 10 cm in length; Flick knives; Receivers for detection of police radar; Dangerous toys; Games based on chance and parts thereof. Precious stones, whether manufactured or not. |
Restrictions1 | Bees Importation of bees is permitted with a certificate from the relevant authority in the country of origin attesting that the beehives from which the bees were taken, were inspected no more than 60 days before their despatch and that they are free of any disease. Authorisation from the Ministry of Agriculture is also required. Fowl eggs in shell Must bear on them the name of the country of origin. Fecundated birds’ eggs Fecundated birds’ eggs are permitted for import with the authorisation of the veterinary services of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and advance notification of the veterinary services three days before arrival. Bulls’ semen With approval of the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture. Branches, roots, leaves, cut flowers and plant parts, nuts, buckwheat, straw, hay, industrial cotton seeds, potatoes, fresh and dried fruits. Potatoes not originating in Europe are subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Agriculture. Dried fruits and vegetables not originating in Europe or the USA are subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Agriculture. Branches, roots, leaves, cut flowers and plant parts, straw and hay, industrial cotton seeds and nuts of all kinds are subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Agriculture. Fresh fruits and vegetables, onion and garlic not originating in tropical or subtropical areas are subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Agriculture. Buckwheat may be imported with a quarantine certificate from the Israeli Ministry of Health stating that the buckwheat is free of poisonous weed. Spices Up to a weight of ½ kg per spice. Vitamins, minerals and food additives Up to 100 gm per items or one package of each item. Waxes Beeswax and other kinds of waxes may be imported with the authorisation of the relevant authorities at the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Health. Wines and spirits, whisky, denaturated alcohols Wines and spirits must bear a label stating the name, quantity, degree of alcohol and country of origin, manufacturing or filling of the item. Whisky must be accompanied by a certificate from the exporter stating the year of manufacture and showing that the whisky has been stored no less than three years. Denaturated alcohols must be accompanied by a certificate from the manufacturer stating the ingredients and the method used for denaturing. Flour and pallets of wheat, preparations used in animal feeding Flour and pallets of wheat are authorised for import with a certificate from the veterinary services in the country of origin that the items are free of disease and with the approval of the veterinary services at the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. Preparations used in animal feeding are authorised for import with a certificate from the veterinary services at the Ministry of Agriculture. Medicines May be imported if they are accompanied by a medical prescription. Dangerous drugs, micro-organisms, cultures of fungi, viruses and microbes Dangerous drugs as defined in codes 29.05, 29.21, 29.22, 29.24, 29.25, 29.32, 29.33, 29.34, 29.39 may be imported with a certificate of the relevant authorities in the country of origin, an import license, and the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Health. Micro-organisms, cultures of fungi, viruses and microbes may be imported with the authorisation of the veterinary services of the Ministry of Agriculture. Cinematographic films With approval of the Interior Ministry Censorship Committee. Insecticides Insecticides are permitted for import in liquid form if they include at least 50% DDT or in powder if they include more than 10% DDT. The accompanying label must show the name of the manufacturer, the quantity of DDT and instructions for use. Tear gas With the authorisation of the police authorities. Hides, skins and furs Hides, skins and furs are permitted for import with a certificate of the veterinary services in the country of origin that the animals were free of disease and under veterinary control, and an authorisation of the veterinary services of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. The certificate must show that the items have been disinfected in the manner prescribed by the veterinary services of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. Wool Wool and wool products may be imported with a certificate from the veterinary services in the country of origin that the items are free of disease and need the approval of the veterinary services of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. Used clothing for commercial purposes With authorisation of the Ministry of Health. Valuables May be imported in registered mail only. Razor blades Razor blades must be wrapped in closed packages including at least two but no more than ten blades. Distillery and parts thereof Under permit from the Ministry of Trade. Encoding devices, radio and telephone transmitters and receivers, cordless telephones. Cordless telephones, radio and telephone transmitters and receivers, and radar are subject to approval from the Ministry of Telecommunications. Encoding devices are subject to prior approval from the military authorities. Firearms and munitions Firearms and munitions may be imported only with an import license and a permit to carry firearms. Note: All food products admitted for importation may be imported without an import license in quantities up to 15 kg, but not more than 3 kg per item. Spices, vitamins and minerals are admitted without an import license in the quantities set out above. |
Address | See under PARCEL POST |
PARCEL POST (Air Parcel Only) | |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. |
Prohibitions1 | Meat, fish and seafood products; fruits and vegetables exuding a foul odour or decomposing easily; Dairy products other than canned milk powder; Tropical or subtropical plants, trees, fresh vegetables, onion, garlic, fresh fruits, excluding dried fruits; Cotton plants, excluding industrial seeds; Margarine and fats containing more than 10% butter fat; Food products containing cyclamate; Wine, wine products and grape juice bearing a geographical name different from the actual area of origin; Earth, sand, organic fertilisers and compost; Matches made of white or yellow phosphor; Insecticides which leave an active layer on the surface treated; Used beehives and material for breeding bees; Indecent films, publications, paintings, etc.; Blank forms which can be used as invoices; Counterfeit or imitation bank notes, coins and postage stamps; Lottery tickets and documents advertising lotteries; Used sacks for packing plant products; Sharp knives with a blade exceeding 10 cm in length; Flick knives; Receivers for detection of police raiders; Dangerous toys; and Games based on chance and parts thereof. Precious stones, whether manufactured or not. |
Restrictions1 | Same as for Letter Post. |
Foodstuffs | Particulars in detail of each commodity must be shown on the customs declarations. |
Import Licence | An import licence to be furnished by the addressee in Israel is required for many classes of goods but not for gift parcels, parcels containing immigrants' personal and household goods and tools for their own professional use, and parcels containing the personal goods of travellers which are free from customs duties. |
Invoices | A copy of the relative invoice should be attached to the despatch note and customs declarations of every commercial parcel. If more than one ordinary parcel from the same sender for the same addressee is posted at the same time, only one invoice is required in respect of each batch. In the case of parcels addressed c/o a bank, the actual consignee is regarded as the addressee. Customs declarations which accompany a batch of parcels must show, in addition to the usual particulars, the total number of parcels, the serial numbers and the total value of the contents. |
Address | There is now a new seven-digit postcode for addresses in Israel. The postcode should appear in the address of all postal articles, before the locality name.
To expedite delivery of postal items containing goods, it is desirable that these items bear addressee's mobile phone number in the address, where available. An SMS notification of item arrival at the delivery point will be sent to the addressees. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
(For VATICAN CITY STATE see separate entry)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Printed papers. (2) Small packets, limit 1 kg. (3) Insured packages, air only, limit $3,800. (4) Registration. (5) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations and Languages | All items containing goods must be accompanied by a CN 22/CN 23 form (in duplicate)
duly completed in French or English. The customs duty thresholds and the requirements to be met are as follows: For items addressed to private individuals
For items addressed to businesses
Prohibitions1 | See under PARCEL POST, except ‘Letters’. |
Restrictions1 | See under PARCEL POST. |
Address | If the postal code number is known, it is advisable that it should appear in the address of all
postal packets at the left-hand of the name of the place of destination. Example : Sig. Mario Rossi VIA APPIA NUOVA 287 00183 ROMA RM ITALY Advice on correct formatting of Italian address: It is recommended no punctuation from the line with the street number and name onwards. Capital letters are recommended for the last two lines (three with the country name) of the address The abbreviation for the province should appear in the address, after the name of the locality. To find and check the postcode of an address, please visit the address and postcode locator on the Poste Italiane website (available in Italian only). “ |
Supplementary Services Available | Insurance, air limit $3,100, surface limit $760. |
Customs Declarations | Parcel Despatch Note. See under LETTER POST. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters; meat (including poultry and game); eggs; fish; insects; milk; honey; fossilized animals; hunting trophies; playing cards addressed to San Marino; potatoes; saccharin and its products, unless addressed to authorised chemists. Charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted), lithium batteries and cells (including devices/appliances containing these batteries and/or cells), tobacco and tobacco substitutes, cigars, cigarillos (whiffs) and cigarettes. Foodstuffs that are not fit for consumption, about to reach the expiry date and without hygienic sanitary precaution. For surface parcels, the expiry date for foodstuffs must be 80 days before; arms parts and accessories thereof; Coin, bank-notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers' cheques, platinum, gold or silver, manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels and other valuable articles; clothing; mechanical lighters; perfumes; pharmaceutical preparations; photographic apparatus and films; tea; chocolate, over 100g in weight. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of packets of postage stamps for philatelic purposes; in any case they must be sent by registered letter- post and bear a Green Label (CN22). foodstuffs in preserved or extract form;; patent medicines; plants, parts of plants and seeds; wireless apparatus. Worn clothing may be sent in gift parcels only. |
Address | See under LETTER POST. |
Gift Parcels | All gift parcels are subject to customs duty. |
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |
IVORY COAST (Republic of)
Supplementary Services Available | (1) Printed papers. (2) Small packets. (3) Registration. (4) Blind literature. |
Customs Declarations and Languages | Value up to $700 – CN 22; Value over $700 – Parcel Despatch Note in addition to upper part of CN 22. French as well as English. |
Prohibitions1 | Charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted); uncut diamonds. Ordinary letters containing articles subject to customs duty. Coins, bank notes, gold or any other article of value of this sort. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of: Books and printed matter in Arabic; plants; gold and articles of gold; saccharin and similar substances. |
Address | See under PARCEL POST. |
Supplementary Services Available | None. |
Customs Declarations and Languages | Parcel Despatch Note. French as well as English. |
Prohibitions1 | Letters; counters resembling coin; spirits; weights and measures not of the decimal system; all goods bearing indications which suggest they are of French origin or manufacture when they are not; charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are admitted); uncut diamonds; coins, bank notes, gold or any other article of value of this sort. |
Restrictions1 | Restrictions apply to the importation of books and printed matter in Arabic; gold and articles of gold; mineral waters; plants; preserved plums; tinned fish and vegetables; saccharin and similar substances; alcohol. |
Delivery Charges | Delivery charges are collected from the addressees except at Sassandra and Tabou. |
Address | The following key information should be indicated on each item, to facilitate quick
1 Senders should determine import restrictions/prohibitions of destination country before posting. |