Making every delivery count for people and planet
As a trusted organisation connecting people, businesses and communities for over 160 years, SingPost is committed to managing our business and resources sustainably to create long term value for our stakeholders.
Our Purpose and Values
At SingPost, we believe having a clear Purpose and strong Values is fundamental. A Purpose tells us the reason for our existence and our Values are ingrained principles that reflect our decision and are the essence of our identity.

Our Approach
Sustainability at SingPost is delivered through our Sustainability Framework which aims to inspire and guide all our employees to make every delivery count for people and planet. We envision this to be achieved through three pillars: Cherishing our Planet, Collaborative Partnerships and Culture of Trust.
Each pillar and its associated material matters are additionally mapped to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). In so doing, we aim to demonstrate our strong belief that everyone has a part to play in promoting global sustainable development and we too commit to that in the best way that we can.
Our Sustainability Framework

We care about sustaining a liveable planet for future generations
Businesses are in a position to deliberate positive contributions to the one planet that we have. SingPost takes a serious view on this and commits to effect positive outcomes for the environment in everything that we do as part of our business strategy.

Climate Action and Resilience
Leading the charge in transforming the future of postal services and eCommerce logistics, SingPost responds to the climate challenges of rising global temperatures and changing weather and rainfall patterns. Climate action will also present opportunities SingPost can tap into of which we will seek to integrate into our business strategy.
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Resource Efficiency and Waste Management
We take pride in setting ambitious environmental targets and transitioning to a circular, low carbon economy. SingPost adopts the waste management hierarchy by not only addressing waste produced through reusing and recycling initiatives but also exploring innovative solutions and investing in infrastructure to tackle the issue at its source.
Climate Action Targets
We are committed to support global efforts in keeping global warming to below 1.5°C and have set new climate targets: to achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions for Singapore by 2030 and global net zero Scope 1,2 and 3 carbon emissions by 2050. Different decarbonisation pathways are being explored for different markets across SingPost operations globally; and the following provides more information on our key emissions reduction measures.
Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions from owned vehicle fleet and backup generators of properties SingPost has control over
Decarbonisation pathways explored include:
- Electrification of SingPost’s owned delivery fleet in Singapore by 2026
- Optimising delivery route to maximise fuel efficiency
- Exploring alternative energy sources for backup generators of owned properties and heavy vehicles
- Converting existing forklifts to electric versions
Actions to-date include:
- SingPost has commenced the replacement of its owned internal combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles. In FY2023/24, we have achieved approximately 37% electrification of our SingPost-owned delivery fleet in Singapore to-date¹.
- Replacement of diesel or liquified petroleum gas (LPG)- operated forklifts with electric ones and the replacement of lead-acid reach trucks with lithium-ion forklifts.
- Progressively upgrading prime movers and truck fleet to Euro five or Euro six emission standards
¹ Based on the total number of electric vehicles procured to date as at 17 May 2024.
Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the generation of purchased energy consumed
Decarbonisation pathways explored include:
- Maximising energy efficiency of machinery and performance of mechanical and electrical systems at SingPost-owned properties
- Achieving energy savings and green building ratings progressively and where feasible
- Introducing energy and resource efficiency as a condition of procured products and services
- Maximising on-site renewable energy installations
- Exploring renewable energy power purchase agreements
Actions to-date include:
- SingPost Centre (Commercial) was awarded the Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Green Mark Gold Plus award in FY2022/23 under the Green Mark for Existing Non-Residential Buildings (ENRB:2017) criteria.
- CouriersPlease in Australia has commenced operations in its Gold Coast depot that was designed to the local Green Star standards.
- Other energy-efficiencies initiatives have also been implemented across multiple sites in Singapore such as upgrading of chillers and lifts; and replacement of light fittings with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
- Since FY2022/23, solar panels have been installed at SingPost’s Regional eCommerce Logistics Hub for on-site renewable energy generation.
Other indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions resulting from SingPost’s business operations
Decarbonisation pathways explored include:
- Gain visibility of scope 3 inventory to facilitate reduction strategy formulation
- Achieving resource efficiency, reducing waste, and improving recycling
- Using sustainable or recycled materials for consumable packaging and exploring reusable packaging
- Seeking low carbon delivery options (e.g., partner carriers adopting sustainable aviation fuel, net-zero flights, net-zero road transportation, working with low carbon transportation partners)
- Reducing business travel and opting for low emissions flight options
- Procuring sustainable goods and services
- Facilitating an ecosystem approach to reduce Scope 3 emissions
Actions to-date include:
- Since 2021, SingPost has introduced sustainable packaging options sold in post offices in Singapore, including smartpac made from recycled materials, and is recyclable; 80% recycled Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE) polymailers; and kraft paper-based honeycomb padding and wrap.
- In FY2022/23, SingPost started to offer our corporate customers the smartpac Business, a reusable packaging solution aimed at reducing single-use plastic packaging waste from eCommerce.
- SingPost has also invested in technologies that enable the Group to offer more carbon-efficient options for our customers through our Out-of-Home (OOH) network which includes POPDrop and POPStations.
- SingPost has taken a phased approach in the development of its Scope 3 emissions inventory and focused on its material upstream categories (Category 1 to 6) for its first year of disclosure in FY2023/24.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Since 2022, SingPost have adopted the recommendations from the TCFD to be incorporated into SingPost's climate action journey – to better understand our climate-related opportunities and risks and align ourselves to global standards of climate reporting. We have aligned our decarbonisation and climate action strategy around the four core TCFD pillars as illustrated below.
TCFD Disclosures | Our Current State | Next Steps | ||
Governance SingPost’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities |
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Strategy Impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on SingPost’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning |
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Risk Management SingPost’s approach to identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks |
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Metrics and Targets Metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities |
We care about meaningful value creation through partnerships with our stakeholders
We live in an era of customer-centricity where our value chain is driven to be responsible, resilient, and innovative. This helps us to continuously deliver meaningful value creation to the people and communities we serve.

Responsible Supply Chain
SingPost continues to engage our business partners in the adoption of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles and commitment to responsible practices, developing resilience to emerging ESG expectations. Through this approach, we can influence the ecosystem that benefits multiple stakeholders for an industry uplift.

Customer Experience
Customers are our motivation, enabling us to achieve our business goals as we strive to go the extra mile in making every delivery count by providing a positive experience at every customer touchpoint.

Community Investment
We believe in giving back to our communities through impactful collaborative initiatives. As we continue to build on the trust of the community, we look to drive a positive change in society and touch the lives of people from all walks of life.

Product and Service Innovation
At SingPost, we are fully embracing the new speed of digital transformations today, identifying new opportunities to increase productivity, efficiency in our business operations, and enhance interaction with our customers, all in a bid to enhance product and service offerings for our stakeholders
We care about doing the right things the right way for our stakeholders
We recognise that our success would not be possible without the trust of our stakeholders and our people’s commitment to excellence. Underpinned by the highest standards of corporate governance, we adopt best-in-class practices that reflect our obligation towards accountability, transparency and safeguarding our stakeholders’ interests.

Employee Engagement and Talent Practices
Our employee engagement and talent practices form the bedrock of our pursuit in accomplishing our business objectives. We believe that investing and developing our people’s talent through our comprehensive practices will prime SingPost for continuous growth in the new era.

Health and Safety
At SingPost, we conduct our business with great focus on the health and safety of our employees, and stakeholders including the communities we serve. Our approach promotes proactive identification and mitigation of potential occupational accidents and inculcating a safety culture in our employees to minimise safety hazards and to look out for one another.

Ethical and Transparent Business Practice
We believe transparency is the basis for trust, and our zero-tolerance stance for fraud, corruption and unethical actions enables open lines for communication and honesty with all our stakeholders – within and outside of SingPost. Our core values foster and underpin a culture of openness, trust, and accountability.

Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
At SingPost, we have consistently taken imperative steps to protect our stakeholders’ personal data with the best in industry standards, policies, procedures and cybersecurity measures.