10 Feb 2021

Indonesia – Earthquake and severe weather

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Pos Indonesia has advised that an earthquake has hit Sulawesi Island, affecting the areas of Mamuju and Majene. As a result, there has been physical damage to facilities and public services are disrupted.

Furthermore, heavy rain in the Central Java and West Java provinces has caused floods, which are affecting postal operations. Delays are therefore to be expected in the processing and delivery of all postal items.

The following postcode areas are affected:

-  West Java province
    Subang: 412xx
    Indramayu: 452xx
    Majalengka: 454xx


-  Central Java province
    Semarang: 500xx
    Pekalongan : 511xx
    Pati: 591xx
    Demak: 595xx
    Kudus: 593xx


-  West Sulawesi province
    Majene: 914xx
    Mamuju: 915xx