Prepare today for tomorrow's challenges

Life happens, and the unexpected could put a strain on you and your loved ones. Whatever you feel the need to prepare for, we've got a range of life and critical illness insurance solutions that could help.

HSBC Life – Life Treasure III

A whole life insurance plan with multiplied coverage, a payout option and optional riders to enhance your critical illness protection.

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HSBC Life Term Protector / HSBC Life Term Protector Prime

A term life insurance plan that offers the flexibility to choose payment and policy terms, and covers you against death or terminal illness so your loved ones will be taken care of.

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HSBC Life HappyMummy

A bundled prenatal plan that can be paired with an investment-linked plan or a whole life plan to protect both the expectant mother and newborn.

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HSBC Life HappyFamily

A bundled prenatal plan that can be paired with an investment-linked plan or an eligible basic plan to protect the expectant mother, newborn and whole family.

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HSBC Life Super CritiCare

A holistic critical illness insurance plan that offers you multiple payouts and puts your well-being in your hands.

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HSBC Life Cancer ReCover

An insurance plan that covers cancer and is designed to protect cancer survivors by covering recurrent or newly diagnosed cancers.

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HSBC Life CritiCare for Her

A critical illness insurance plan that focuses on women's health conditions and benefits to help you on the road to recovery.

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HSBC Life CritiCare for Him

A critical illness insurance plan that focuses on men's health conditions and benefits to help you on the road to recovery.

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HSBC Life Insurance

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